Photo of Erica L Schuman

Just over halfway through 2023, nationwide TCPA jurisprudence is focused on further delineating the scope of the TCPA. As the dust settles from earlier battles over defining ATDS requirements, the cases from this year are largely aimed at establishing who can bring a claim under the TCPA and what conduct the statute covers. We summarize here developments since our last update, listed in alphabetical order by topic area.Continue Reading TCPA Turnstile: Scoping out the TCPA – 2023 Midyear Update (TCPA Case Update Vol. 18)

As 2022 comes to a close, we wanted to look back at the most significant Telephone Consumer Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. § 227 (“TCPA”) decisions of the year.  While we didn’t see the types of landscape-altering decisions that we saw in 2021, there’s still plenty to take note of.  We summarize here the biggest developments since our last update, listed by issue category in alphabetical order.
Continue Reading TCPA Turnstile: 2022 Year in Review (TCPA Case Update Vol. 17)

Phone and gavelThe first half of 2021 saw one of the most significant TCPA rulings in many years as Facebook v. Duguid, 141 S. Ct. 1163 (2021), appeared to settle the long-debated question of what constitutes an automatic telephone dialing system (“ATDS”).  But while the Supreme Court’s April ruling was extremely positive for the TCPA defense bar, it by no means brought an end to TCPA claims.  Significant cases have continued to yield decisions, including cases that have sought to interpret Facebook.  And the state of Florida stepped into the abyss in passing a “mini-TCPA” statute that went into effect earlier this month that regulates telemarketing at the state level, with a much broader definition of the relevant technology.  Thus, the TCPA (and related statute) litigation landscape, while upended to some degree, remains unsettled, and we’ll continue to provide our insights.  We summarize here developments since our last update, listed by issue category in alphabetical order.
Continue Reading TCPA Turnstile: TCPA cases in a post-Facebook world (TCPA Case Update Vol. 15)